Welfare Contacts

Stephenson JCR Welfare Officers 2023-24

The JCR’s student welfare committee provide opportunities to discuss welfare-related issues, on a student-to-student basis. We are available at our drop-in times listed below for open and relaxed conversations in the Welfare room in Heighington. If none of these days / times work for you please use the Welfare Contact Form us to arrange a 1-1 meeting with us.

Senior Welfare Officer:  Millie Frosdick
Email: stephenson.jcr-welfare@durham.ac.uk

Welfare Officers: Grace Dobbie, Rosie Overfield, Morgan Charles, Matthew Evens-Jenner

  Kit-Kat Chit-Chat INFO:


This contact form can also be used to request Welfare Supplies or raise a concern about someone else’s welfare / wellbeing on their behalf


If you prefer to contact the welfare team using social media please dm our Instagram @stephenson.welfare